To the infinite and beyond

Until recently I would never have believed I would feel the desire to write things in a blog, much less willing to commit myself to do it assiduously. But then I discovered that not only is it fun, it's also a great stress reliever, great for balancing increasingly busy workdays. Since I left social networks like Facebook and Instagram, it seems to me that I have magically found back precious hours, but also the desire to express myself in a lighthearted way, moving away from toxic discussions and posts on socials. Yeah, maybe I'm slowing morphing into a big bear, a sort of solitary whiner, but cheerfully, with a smile on my face. So I wanted to treat myself well and to dedicate to the beginning of this new adventure of a non-blog, a non-computer that is truly portable, which could easily hide in the only bag that I always carry around, the bag where I keep my digital camera.

We will see where this adventure takes me. For now I have a lot of ideas to make this blog curious and maybe even useful.

See you soon,

