Chernobyl drama: #4 Pripyat Ghost city

This is the tallest building I could find in the city of Pripyat. I am not a great lover of heights, especially when comes down to buildings. I don’t have the same feeling with mountains as mountains, doesn’t have the habits to crumble into pieces if left abandoned, they don’t mind at all. Building don’t follow the same philosophy. Two months earlier, one of these giants collapsed, so being on top of this dinosaur was not relaxing stay, but the view of the ghost town of Pripyat, and the nuclear power plant in the background was magnetic. Pripyat was built in 1970 and was abandoned in 1986, forever. A city that was equipped with all the comforts a city could boast off. It was so beautiful that it was called the city of flowers. There were hotels, restaurants, bars, two hospitals, a theatre, a cinema, and a multipurpose center. At the time when people had to leave, Pripyat extended for 8 Km2 and had 49,000 inhabitants with an average age of 29 (a very young population). I took this photo because it shows the progress of nature regaining its own spaces, with this red sky and the nuclear plant at the center of the sunset, almost as if it was the eye of an evil god which scan the horizon.
