Street Photography: #5 Lockdown outlaws

This damn lockdown gets on my nerves. Not only does it force me to smart working and prevent me from working with my team in the same office, but it also prevents me from scheduling photographic exits like I did a year ago. I miss my team and I miss my photographic adventures around Italy, and not, chasing landscapes and doing street photography in unknown places.

Theoretically, in these days it’s forbidden to go out, we are in the red zone, which for Italy means that we are in lockdown and going out is allowed only for health treatments, for work or buying some food. I have to admit, between yesterday and today I turned into a little outlaw and started wandering through the streets of Milan without caring much about the lockdown. Of course, I’ve equipped myself with a mask and took extra care to maintain a certain social distance with other people, but I just couldn't manage to stay at home anymore. I wandered through the almost deserted streets of Milan, in search of the right light, the right person or the combination of both, which usually happen with like a small magic. It’s not rare, it’s something that you can experience almost every single time or so, you chat usually happens when you allow yourself to go around the city looking at it for real, with intensity, passion, love, without any kind of distraction. When you do, good things are bound to happen and those can heal you soul. I am amazed every time I go out to photograph. The people on the street are incredible, full of surprises. There is always something unexpected ready to happen. Whenever I dive into these oceans of people's lives, something said from Terry Pratchett always comes to mind: “So much universe, and so little time”.

Pay attention though, street photography is addictive.